10 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement

Why is social media engagement so important?

For many of you social media is how you run your business. Even if it’s not the only way you generate sales and leads.. After 2020 many people had to adapt and change the way they were running their business and start prioritizing social media.

Unfortunately, the best content will never be seen or converted if you don’t have an audience and engagement.

So, let’s focus on how to increase your social media engagement to get more eyes on your products, business, and services.

Before we jump into my top engagement tips.. I want to explain why you should have a strategy for your social media. 

First, when you are consistent and have good engagement that generates you will continuously get more followers which results in more customers, more referrals, a bigger brand which results in more opportunities and so on. Basically, the more engaged your audience is on a daily basis = the more your content will be shown to others.

According to Instagram and many other social platforms… you only have about 3-5 hours of exposure to your audience before Instagram decides whether to push out your post or shelf it.

So, you want to show up in a variety of ways that shows not only the app your content is worth sharing, but also your followers that they will not always be spammed or sold to on a daily basis.

In the end people come to social media to be social. So, we want to focus on entertaining, educating, and engaging.

Here are my top 10 ways to increase your engagement:

  1. Share more than just your company’s photos. This one is for all my direct sellers, ppl in network marketing or any kind of retail that provides company and stock photos.

  2. Educate Your audience.

  3. Engage in the comments and always respond back.

  4. Show up in a variety of ways. Take IG for example…

  5. Use Hashtags

  6. Post consistently

  7. Leverage the Story buttons on FB & IG

  8. Continually do market research

  9. Use your analytics

  10. Ask a question

Be sure to listen to THIS PODCAST EPISODE to hear more on each of these suggestions.


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