How Does Your Health Impact Your Business?

What does HEALTH mean to you??

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. When I looked up the definition it says…

According to the World Health Organization, it’s "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity."

So, if I want to feel healthy… I need to be thinking about more than what I see in the mirror or what the number says when I step on the scale.

I started making a list of all the things that I would say make me “feel” healthy..

  • What I eat..

  • If I am able to exercise

  • My stress Level

  • Sleep Habits

  • Alcohol Consumption

  • My Environment

  • Toxins in my home

And so much more….

So, I think we can all agree that our health is important and why we should prioritize it, but what does this have to do with your business???

Consider this.

The way you treat your body is going to directly impact your performance. Whether you are an athlete, mom, coach, CEO, accountant, etc.. If you stay up all night or even later than usual, chances are you are going to drop the ball at some point throughout the day. Why? Because you didn’t get enough sleep = which means you don’t have your usual amount of energy. So, imagine you’re an account and you are working on someone’s taxes. You’re exhausted because you stayed up late binge watching the newest Netflix series. And while you didn’t mind last night because you got sucked in and just HAD to know what happened next…. today you are severely regretting that decision! You might think, “Oh well, I’ll just get through the day and make up for it tonight by going to bed early. No harm done.”

However, studies show lack of sleep drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at real risk! It has been linked to numerous health problems, from eight gain to a weakened immune system. It can also create memory issues, trouble with thinking and concentration, mood changes, and the list keeps going.

So, it may seem like.. “No harm done!” But while you are calculating someone’s numbers for their taxes and make a tiny error…… this tiny error from lack of sleep could end up costing you your entire career!

I may not have all the answers, but I have learned a few things along the way that have helped me manage my health and still be able to pursue a career.

Many of you already know this, but for those of you who don’t.. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a few years ago and as angry as I was at the time.. It was also a sense of relief! I had an answer for why my body was not working the way everyone else’s at my age seemed to be working. I was trying to run a business, be mommy, wife and all the other things in between.. and I still felt like I could never quite catch my breath. I was exhausted - ALL. THE. TIME.

I tried to take medicine, and hated it. So, I acted like I was going to go the “natural” route and never really stuck with anything. Unfortunately, my health took a HUGE hit because I continued to chase after all the things in my business. But, eventually…. my body started yelling at me that enough was enough. I was struggling to get out of bed, falling down the stairs, depressed, and the list just keeps going…

I knew something needed to change, but couldn’t figure out what to do. So, instead of looking for the next quick fix.. I started trying to simply listen to my body.

Here are 5 things I try to consistently do to take care of my health:

  1. Drink all the water!

  2. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

  3. Ask for help!

  4. Control the toxins going in and around my body.

  5. Manage my stress & mental health.

May sound simple.. But, if you are struggling with stress, weight gain, health issues, etc.. Instead of looking for a quick fix. Evaluate these things first. If you are still struggling after addressing all of these… then, it’s time to find more help.

I still struggle with staying up too late, drinking too much caffeine or eating food I shouldn’t.. (I never said I was perfect. haha!) BUT, I am paying better attention to these things and on a journey of taking my health back.

I’m excited to share with you what I learn and do to improve my health moving forward.


Growing As A Leader